Monday, September 1, 2008

DAY 125: I'm not off the wagon yet

Maybe with the blog but I have been very successful and currently at my lightest weight in 3 years!

I'm 145.5 pounds or 12.5 lbs lost since the beginning. 3ish or more lbs since we last talked. I wanted to lose more by this point but that's fine. I'm still losing... despite 2 vacations and a anniversary plus I now can do 6 pushups! Plus I'm adding a lot of muscle. I started the challenge over with regular push ups.

Got the Wii Fit.. LOVE IT! Really fun to work out with and its a constant motivator. I haven't done a lot of group exercise due to schedule/vacation but I did start back up yesterday with a Yogilates class. Really liked it a lot and hope to do it every Sunday.

During the week it will be very hard to work out though (though atleast I can do my wiifit). I might try to do it in between classes or at least bike to schoole once or twice a week. No promises though because with 5 classes I'm running around without my head on as it is.

But yeah my weight was seasawing but I'm finally back in the grove and feeling more in control.

My goal for the end of September is 141. Which would make me officially not overweight, bmi wise! Still though I have 20 pounds from right now to get where I want to be 125. Normal bmi. Any skinner I don't think my body would look that good as. We'll see how it goes though. I hope to be that weight by mid spring if not early. Still gives me 6 months.

So yeah all is good!

I'll check in here once again - S